Interview questions and answers for RPA - UiPath (Set 19)

uipath interview questions
UiPath Interview Questions and Answers

Q- Can we change a standard robot to floating robot?

We can do so but only for attended and development robots.

Q- Is there any way to schedule the package without Orchestrator?

We can do so using Task Manager. Here in the task manager we just need to trigger the PowerShell/cmd and supplying the robot path and solution main file path as an argument.

Q- What do you understand by "WaitForReady" property in context properties of UiPath activity?

This property is used when we need to wait for the target to become ready, before performing any interaction with it. There are three options available as given below:
  • None – On set, it doesn’t wait for the target to get ready.
  • Interactive – waits until only a part of the app is loaded
  • Complete – waits for the entire app to get loaded.
Q- Where can we view the logs in Orchestrator?

We can view the logs from the "Robots" page and also from the "Jobs" page.

From the "Robots" page, for a given Robot, click the corresponding More Actions button, and then View Logs
UiPath Orchestrator Robots Logs

From the "Jobs" page, for an indicated job, click the corresponding More Actions button, and then View Logs
UiPath Orchestrator Jobs Logs

Q- What do you mean by Tenants in Orchestrator?

Multitenancy enables us to isolate data such as processes, assets, robots etc. with only one instance of Orchestrator. This multitenancy features facilitates automation different departments/teams from organization and keep ensures the desired authorization and isolation of Orchestrator data per department using their individual tenants. Multitenancy feature isolates the data using Tenants logically, but all these data is stored in the same database at backend.

Below are the orchestrator components which are isolated by Tenants:
  • Processes
  • Packages
  • Assets
  • Queues
  • Schedulers
  • Robots
  • Environments
  • Jobs
  • Logs
  • Alerts
  • Audit
  • Settings (including licenses)
  • Users
  • Folders
  • Machines

Note: Fresher candidates can skip RE-Framework and/or Orchestrator based questions.


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